Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This is Uber's playbook for sabotaging Lyft

TheVerge, here

Gendarmería, nuevo cuerpo policial de México

Elnuevoherald.com, aquì

Amazon: Not an E-Commerce Company

Stratechery, here

Chipmaker Qualcomm may face EU antitrust probe

Reuters.com, here.

Competition Commission of India: ruling against 14 carmakers (spare parts)


Amazon Pounces On Twitch After Google Balks Due To Antitrust Concerns

Forbes, here.

Consumer Protection and the Collaborative Economy

Consumersinternational.org, here

AU Taxi Industry Association's Submission to the Competition Policy Review


Thursday, August 21, 2014

CADE’s General Superintendence concludes investigation of sham litigation cases

CADE.gov.br, here

Facebook forced to respond to privacy complaints of 25,000 Europeans

Zdnet.com, here. Vienna court's order here.

Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices

US Copyright Office, here.

Vertikale Beschränkungen und offene Online- Marktplätze

A. Beil, I. Hohmann, M. Kullas, hier.

How Canada Shaped the Copyright Rules in the EU Trade Deal

M. Geist, here.

Libraries and archives need an international solution for today’s copyright problems

IABD, here

Google processes 1 million removal requests per day for alleged copyright infringement

Futureofcopyright.com, here

Müssen Google und Facebook gezähmt werden?

FAZ, hier.

"betont das Bundeskartellamt in einem internen Bericht, der dieser Zeitung vorliegt". Gerne der breiteren Öffentlichkeit bekannt machen!

Survey: Half Of Shoppers Don’t Want Their Smartphones Tracked

Siliconbeat.com, here

Digitale Agenda: Bundesregierung legt Pflichtenheft für die digitale Gesellschaft vor

Heise.de, hier. Agenda hier.

"Spezifisch" zum Urheberrecht:

S. 15:
rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen anpassen"; Haftungsprivileg bändigen;  kollektive Rechtewahrnehmung stärken; an der  Überprüfung des europäischen Urheberrechts aktiv

S. 27:
"Um die Potenziale für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Bildung
voll zu nutzen, werden wir die urheberrechtlich
zulässige Nutzung von geschützten Inhalten zu diesen
Zwecken verbessern. Insbesondere soll eine Bildungs- und
Wissenschaftsschranke eingeführt werden". 

S. 29:
"Wir stellen – soweit urheberrechtlich zulässig – digitalisierte
Kulturgüter und deren Metadaten offen und
möglichst unentgeltlich zur Verfügung."

Zum Kartellrecht:

S. 15:
"Wir werden sicherstellen, dass Innovationen und Wettbewerb
nicht durch missbräuchliches Verhalten marktbeherrschender
Internetkonzerne behindert werden. Wir
setzen uns für eine strikte Anwendung nationaler und
europäischer kartellrechtlicher Vorschriften ein und prüfen,
inwieweit diese unter den sich dynamisch entwickelnden
technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen
der globalen Datenökonomie fortzuentwickeln sind. Insbesondere
prüfen wir, wie die Nichtdiskriminierung von
Wettbewerbern durch marktbeherrschende Plattformbetreiber
und ein diskriminierungsfreier, neutraler Zugang
zu Distributionswegen und Inhalten sichergestellt werden
können. Internetspezifische Kartellrechtsfragen werden
durch Fachgutachten aufgearbeitet."

Florida Polytechnic University opens with a bookless library

Latimes.com, here

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Delaware becomes first state to give heirs broad digital assets access

ArsTechnica, here

The Internet's Original Sin

E. Zuckerman, here.

Certification Allows US Trade Negotiators to Rewrite TPP Copyright Rules

EFF.org, here

Octane Fitness May Require a Summary Judgment Motion for an Exceptional Case Findings

Retailpatentlitigation.com, here

Deux décisions relatives à des refus d’accorder des licences dans des conditions équitables, raisonnables et non discriminatoires dans le domaine de la téléphonie mobile

F. Marty, ici (p.8-9).

This Is YouTube Music Key, Google's Upcoming Subscription Service With Offline Support, Background Audio, No Ads, Free Play Music Key

Androidpolice.com, here

The war between Uber and India’s taxi operators is hotting up

Qz.com, here

Patent Trolls: Evidence from Targeted Firms

L. Cohen, U. Gurun, S. Duke Kominers, here

The right to be forgotten and the EU data protection reform: Why we must see through a distorted debate and adopt strong new rules soon

M. Reicherts, here

At the Edge of the License: Where the ODbL Ends and the Community Guidelines Begin

Blog.openstreemap.org, here.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Federal Circuit upholds a Walker Process claim

OrangeBookBlog, Here.

Do ask, do tell, do nothing: the EU Commission and all those copyright consultations

The1709blog, here.

Stalled Gazprom Antitrust Case May Suggest Unease for Energy Sanctions

NYTimes, here.

NCAA Found To Violate Antitrust Laws In Preventing Schools From Sharing Licensing Revenue With Student Athletes

TechDirt.com, here.

Google’s "Tough" European Summer

WSJ.com, here.

China’s Energetic Enforcement of Antitrust Rules Alarms Foreign Firms

NYTimes, here.

Update on our response to the European Google judgment

Iconewsblog, here.

CIA infosec guru: US govt must buy all zero-days and set them free

TheRegister, here.

Google's responses to the Article 29 Working Party concerning the right to be forgotten

The Cult of Sharing

Mrteacup.org, here

Die Google Republik

ARD, Plusminus, hier

Facebook invades your personality, not your privacy

E. Morozov, here

Hachette CEO: “More than 80% of the ebooks we publish are priced at $9.99 or lower”

Gigaom.com, here

Friday, August 08, 2014

Science research grants awarded on the basis of patents is patently wrong

TheGuardian.com, here.

Entertaining Summer Reading Re MFNs

"THE CHAIRMAN:  We saw from Mr Italianer's speech at Innsbruck that the CMA could have followed the German approach and actually tackled the rate parity issue head on, but it chose not to do that? MISS BACON:  The German approach was to attack the MFN provision, the OFT's Approach was to look at the discounting restriction.  So there are two different mechanisms of addressing the issues in this market place.  This is not a challenge to the OFT ---- THE CHAIRMAN:  It is not a competition between competition authorities, I know that. MISS BACON:  This appeal is not a challenge to the scope of the CMA's investigation. THE CHAIRMAN:  I know that too. MISS BACON:  I am simply answering the question as to why they were.  As I have pointed out, it is in Mr Rasmussen's evidence. MR WILKS:  Although MFNs were highlighted in the Statement of Objections. MISS BACON:  I am going to come to that.  They were highlighted in the Statement of Objections as part of the relevant context which was why the OFT was opening in this investigation.  What the OFT said in the Statement of Objections was that it was not, it had not investigated the extent to which MFNs did exacerbate these restrictions of competition, and it is common ground, undisputed, that the focus of the OFT's investigation was not on MFNs, it was on the discounting restrictions, it was on what was regarded as RPM."

A Letter to Our Readers

Authors.United.net, here.

Global Coalition of Access to Research, Science and Education Organizations calls on STM to Withdraw New Model Licenses

Plos.org, here.