Monday, April 23, 2018

Protecting competition, Reinforcing Consumer Protection, Rethinking Regulation

J. Tirole, Video here.

Some Memorable Quotes:
"Potential competition...if you don't know...the wise thing to do is not to let the merger operate"
" of the cleverest strategies I've ever encountered, and people don't get it somehow"
"the important thing is, you can tax people who don't use you"
"I don't have a personal assistant, I don't want a personal assistant"
"What is the right fee for Booking?...I don't know"
"Defaults matter"
"We need the help the me...self-regulation is going nowhere"
"Competition policy is slow, and often too late"
"Back and forth process" of regulation "you need to have guidelines and supervision"
"Participative antitrust" (droit de la concurrence participatif, this is the idea, my bet), "regulation reactive to ideas...proposed by the industry"
"You should make regulation agile...and listen to the industry"
"I'm not against breaking up those gut feeling right now is that it's difficult...harder that it used to be in the past because the technology is moving faster"

Brief discussion of Choi, Jeon, Kim Paper from 29:01
